The Temple of the Tooth Relic, also known as Sri Dalada Maligawa, is a sacred Buddhist temple located in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka.

The Temple of the Tooth Relic, also known as Sri Dalada Maligawa, is a sacred Buddhist temple located in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is one of the most important temples in the country and is believed to house the tooth relic of the Buddha, which is considered to be one of the most sacred Buddhist relics in the world.

The temple was originally built in the 16th century and has since been renovated and expanded several times. It is a beautiful example of traditional Sri Lankan architecture, with a red and white facade, intricate carvings, and beautiful paintings.

The temple is surrounded by a moat and a wall, and visitors must remove their shoes and cover their shoulders and legs before entering. Once inside, visitors can explore the temple’s many halls and chambers, which are filled with intricate carvings, beautiful paintings, and historical artifacts.

The highlight of the temple is the chamber that houses the tooth relic itself. Visitors can view the relic through a series of golden caskets, which are decorated with precious gems and jewels. The chamber is also home to a large collection of Buddhist art and artifacts, including statues, paintings, and manuscripts.

The temple is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists from around the world, and is also a popular tourist destination. Visitors can attend daily worship ceremonies, which include offerings of flowers, incense, and candles, and can also take part in the temple’s annual Esala Perahera festival, which is a colorful and lively celebration featuring traditional music, dancing, and processions.

Overall, the Temple of the Tooth Relic is a one-of-a-kind temple that offers a fascinating glimpse into Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions. Its stunning architecture, beautiful art, and sacred relics make it a must-see destination for anyone visiting Sri Lanka.

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